Doodlebug got in! We have an elementary school for the arts here, and after many long months of waiting we got the call that she got a place and is good to go. We are going tomorrow to pick up the paperwork and get everything set, then it's off to find uniforms and school supplies. Just in time, too. Our registration deadline for public schools is the 20th of July! I know she will enjoy all the dance, art, music and plays they will be doing, as well as the fast paced learning. I can't wait, and Doodlebug is super excited to see her new school.
In other news, my online store is coming along well. I'll be taking more pictures of product tomorrow, as it wants 4 for each item, in small and large sizes. But it'll be worth the work. Check back soon, I'll be posting the store site within the week.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Work at home mama status, here I come!
I'm getting serious with this sewing thing. This weekend I will put together my online store and I'm working now on stock to fill it with. I've got cloth napkins, nursing pads, baby wipes, diaper bags, purses, totes and more! I love sewing and making people happy. I love to see or hear (or read about) reactions to my creations. It really lets me feel like I'm making a difference. And since I'm a moderate "green" lady, I love helping others get a little more green, too, with reusable items.
What really got me started was making my own diaper bag. I switched to cloth and found I couldn't fit what I wanted to in my old diaper bag, so I found some awesome material and made my own. I started with a basic bag, a couple pockets inside, and toted it around for a while. While I loved it, I thought it could use some improvements and accessories. Off to bag #2, with 4 pockets inside (each big enough to hold 2 cloth diapers!) an outside front pocket for my grocery lists and other papers, 2 side pockets that fit 2 sippy cups each, and room inside for a spare set of clothes, books, toys, Babyums favorite aden + anais blanket, my wallet, and a roll up car mat. I added a removable wet bag to the back, a removable binky pouch to the front and a wallet cover for me to use inside. Finally, a bag I can fit everything in, and is fashionable, too!
After my dream bag was done, I moved to some cloth napkins for home. Not only are we not throwing away GOBS of paper towels anymore, we are saving money! We used to go through those huge packages in a little less than 2 weeks, now I'm buying one roll and it lasts us over a month. I have enough cloth to wash every 4 days or so, and the extra laundry is worth the money savings we get.
Cloth baby wipes and nursing pads were next. If Babyum is wearing cloth diapers, why not wipes, too!? I use flannel and Joann's soft and comfy fabric, turned and topstitched. I love the soft and comfy fabric for these, cleans so well! My nursing pads are 6+ layers of flannel backed with rip stop nylon and are stitched so they are a bit of a contoured for comfort.
I made fleece baby pants when the winter came so fast I couldn't get to the store. One day we were wearing shorts, the next we needed long pants and jackets. So I stayed in and sewed them.
Then came Christmas and the roll up car playmat, crayon rolls, fleece hats and other fun items. Even little monster dolls, cute!
Anyway, I may have gotten a bit carried away here, and I need to get back to the sewing room (AKA the dining room we never eat in!) and get busy with more items for the store. Hopefully I can make YOU something fun soon!
What really got me started was making my own diaper bag. I switched to cloth and found I couldn't fit what I wanted to in my old diaper bag, so I found some awesome material and made my own. I started with a basic bag, a couple pockets inside, and toted it around for a while. While I loved it, I thought it could use some improvements and accessories. Off to bag #2, with 4 pockets inside (each big enough to hold 2 cloth diapers!) an outside front pocket for my grocery lists and other papers, 2 side pockets that fit 2 sippy cups each, and room inside for a spare set of clothes, books, toys, Babyums favorite aden + anais blanket, my wallet, and a roll up car mat. I added a removable wet bag to the back, a removable binky pouch to the front and a wallet cover for me to use inside. Finally, a bag I can fit everything in, and is fashionable, too!
After my dream bag was done, I moved to some cloth napkins for home. Not only are we not throwing away GOBS of paper towels anymore, we are saving money! We used to go through those huge packages in a little less than 2 weeks, now I'm buying one roll and it lasts us over a month. I have enough cloth to wash every 4 days or so, and the extra laundry is worth the money savings we get.
Cloth baby wipes and nursing pads were next. If Babyum is wearing cloth diapers, why not wipes, too!? I use flannel and Joann's soft and comfy fabric, turned and topstitched. I love the soft and comfy fabric for these, cleans so well! My nursing pads are 6+ layers of flannel backed with rip stop nylon and are stitched so they are a bit of a contoured for comfort.
I made fleece baby pants when the winter came so fast I couldn't get to the store. One day we were wearing shorts, the next we needed long pants and jackets. So I stayed in and sewed them.
Then came Christmas and the roll up car playmat, crayon rolls, fleece hats and other fun items. Even little monster dolls, cute!
Anyway, I may have gotten a bit carried away here, and I need to get back to the sewing room (AKA the dining room we never eat in!) and get busy with more items for the store. Hopefully I can make YOU something fun soon!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Cupcake fun!
I really need to start taking more pics!
We had some friends over today for a cake decorating party and it was a blast! The little girls had a great time decorating their cupcakes, and the big girls had some adult fun time, too. Lots of noise and sprinkles. I did try out a new cake recipe, a twist on my favorite white cake, and it was awesome! Here it is, if you want to try:
2 cups sugar
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons flour (I used cake flour, you can do all purpose if you like)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 cup club soda
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons baking powder.
I whipped the egg whites first, set aside, then mixed the egg yolks, coconut oil, sugar and vanilla. Add in the club soda, then the flour and baking powder. Finally fold in the egg whites. Pour into a greased/floured pan and bake. Cupcakes will be done in about 18 mins at 350, 25-30 mins for 8 inch round pans. The cupcakes came out pretty light and fluffy, the cake was a bit more dense, but we like it like that. It's even better after it's been in the fridge overnight.
I made these as cupcakes (and a 6 inch round I planned on sending to Hubby's office tomorrow) so Babyum would have something to eat, too. But our almost 2 weeks of no artificial colors/flavors/preservatives was thrown out when I left the cake that Doodlebug decorated on the table. My mom looked over to see Babyum halfway laying on the table with his face in the cake!! His response? "MmmMMM!" I agree.
We had some friends over today for a cake decorating party and it was a blast! The little girls had a great time decorating their cupcakes, and the big girls had some adult fun time, too. Lots of noise and sprinkles. I did try out a new cake recipe, a twist on my favorite white cake, and it was awesome! Here it is, if you want to try:
2 cups sugar
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons flour (I used cake flour, you can do all purpose if you like)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 cup club soda
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons baking powder.
I whipped the egg whites first, set aside, then mixed the egg yolks, coconut oil, sugar and vanilla. Add in the club soda, then the flour and baking powder. Finally fold in the egg whites. Pour into a greased/floured pan and bake. Cupcakes will be done in about 18 mins at 350, 25-30 mins for 8 inch round pans. The cupcakes came out pretty light and fluffy, the cake was a bit more dense, but we like it like that. It's even better after it's been in the fridge overnight.
I made these as cupcakes (and a 6 inch round I planned on sending to Hubby's office tomorrow) so Babyum would have something to eat, too. But our almost 2 weeks of no artificial colors/flavors/preservatives was thrown out when I left the cake that Doodlebug decorated on the table. My mom looked over to see Babyum halfway laying on the table with his face in the cake!! His response? "MmmMMM!" I agree.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Week one: No artifical colors/flavors.
I was talking to one of the other "dance class moms". She was watching Babyum and commented how her son used to do some of the same things. Didn't talk until later, always on the move, crazy. Then she told me about a book she found detailing links between behavior and food dyes. I'd heard a bit about it before, but never really though to look into it. So I found a book at the library (Why Can't My Child Behave by Jane Hersey), started reading, and decided to try it out. We started on Monday, so almost a week ago. I've been good about artificial colors and flavors, but I found a couple things I was forgetting to cut out. A couple preservatives that are a no no on the Feingold program. I think it's too early to tell right now, but he seems to have calmed down a little and is definitely trying to say more words. One of my favorite right now is how he says cantaloupe, it's opa-opa. I figure the diet is good for all of us, more natural foods, less processed junk. We'll all eat healthier and feel better. It's a win-win. I'm going to get rid of those saltines that were hiding some no no's and get back on track, but all in all we've been doing well. No one has had a meltdown over the lack of candy, they're all too busy enjoying the fresh fruit!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Babyum decides to talk... sort of
Sweet little Babyum (ok, sometimes not so sweet, actually quite screamy... anyway) has been "talking" more lately. Along with counting 1-10: un, doo, nee, fo, ive (in a higher pitched voice), ick, be ben, aye, ine, en (also higher pitched), he says teeny tiny, toot toot, BOOM!, and has his own version of square, triangle, circle, and I don't know, a total of 25 words now. It seems he's just picking it up so fast finally. He also looked at me the other day and signed table while looking at the little airport on his train table. It only has 2 sides and a top, so it does look like a table. The best part was what came after. It's got the H in a circle on top, the helipad sign. He looks at it and says "heh heh", turns a little and says "ih ih". Yes, turn the H on it's side and it's an I. Spacial reasoning +1! I'm getting glimpses of how he thinks.
Doodlebug had her dance recital last night. She was amazing! So adorable and had a blast watching all the other dancers. I think we'll be doing this for a long time. She is taking tap and ballet in the fall, and maybe acro if she's old enough. Oh, and she moved to #6 on the waiting list for the school we want to send her to!! It's a school for the arts, and all kids (k-6) do dance. In 3rd grade they get to pick 2 out of band, orchestra, dance, visual arts... Cool, right?
Doodlebug had her dance recital last night. She was amazing! So adorable and had a blast watching all the other dancers. I think we'll be doing this for a long time. She is taking tap and ballet in the fall, and maybe acro if she's old enough. Oh, and she moved to #6 on the waiting list for the school we want to send her to!! It's a school for the arts, and all kids (k-6) do dance. In 3rd grade they get to pick 2 out of band, orchestra, dance, visual arts... Cool, right?
Friday, April 29, 2011
How about an update.
Lots of things going on right now. It's been crazy around here! But fun... most of the time...
Doodlebug had her 5 year check up and is 44.5 inches tall and 48 lbs. Everything is great and she did well with her 2 shots. She is having trouble in the mornings at school, though. She doesn't want me to leave, says she doesn't have fun, but when I pick her up she always says she had a great day. I hope it's just the age and she'll grow out of it soon. Funny Doodle story: A couple weeks ago we were sitting for dinner and she reached over and snatched a potato off of daddy's plate. He gasped and looked at her and said teasingly "Oh! Why did you do that?" and she replied "Cause that's how I roll, Dad." She always has an answer and is such a sweet girl. Very curious and not afraid to ask questions, either!
Babyum is trying to count now and saying more words. We are making progress during speech and in general. He is now saying Mo Mo Mo instead of signing "more". Still some of his words sound muddled, but his hearing test is May 17th, so maybe we'll hear something from that.
I've been sewing in my free time, and during nap/quiet time. A few projects I'm working on now are diaper bags, wet bags, nursing pads, purses, changing pads, cloth napkins and gift bags. I need to throw together a sandwich wrap or two, I just haven't found the right fabric yet. I can never find anything modern and gender neutral.
It's getting late and I'm off to check the little ones. Everyone stay safe and happy!
Doodlebug had her 5 year check up and is 44.5 inches tall and 48 lbs. Everything is great and she did well with her 2 shots. She is having trouble in the mornings at school, though. She doesn't want me to leave, says she doesn't have fun, but when I pick her up she always says she had a great day. I hope it's just the age and she'll grow out of it soon. Funny Doodle story: A couple weeks ago we were sitting for dinner and she reached over and snatched a potato off of daddy's plate. He gasped and looked at her and said teasingly "Oh! Why did you do that?" and she replied "Cause that's how I roll, Dad." She always has an answer and is such a sweet girl. Very curious and not afraid to ask questions, either!
Babyum is trying to count now and saying more words. We are making progress during speech and in general. He is now saying Mo Mo Mo instead of signing "more". Still some of his words sound muddled, but his hearing test is May 17th, so maybe we'll hear something from that.
I've been sewing in my free time, and during nap/quiet time. A few projects I'm working on now are diaper bags, wet bags, nursing pads, purses, changing pads, cloth napkins and gift bags. I need to throw together a sandwich wrap or two, I just haven't found the right fabric yet. I can never find anything modern and gender neutral.
It's getting late and I'm off to check the little ones. Everyone stay safe and happy!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Want to win a new car seat?!? Sure you do!
I'm sure everyone has read about the new AAP guidelines for rear facing kids and booster seats. My hubby still laughs at me because I bought the Britax Frontier 85 for Babyum. Yes, I can harness him to 85 lbs and use it as a booster to 120. Hubby says if I try to get Babyum in a booster at 120 lbs he'll likely run away. I said, at least he'll be safe in the car... because the seat is going with him! No really though, I don't know what's going to happen. But I do know, as long as I can keep them safe in the car, I'll do what needs to be done. Doodlebug is still harnessed at 47 lbs and 5 years old, and many of her friends are, too. I wish I had sucked it up and gotten the Radian XTSL that rear faces to 45, because I'd totally turn Babyum back around!
Which brings me to this post =) Over on my blog roll you'll see reviews, giveaways and daily life. She's doing a giveaway for a Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL!! It ends April 20th, so there's lots of time to enter. And while I really want to win it, I'm letting you know, too, so maybe one of us will win! Go check it out at and enter. Good luck! (but not too much...)
Which brings me to this post =) Over on my blog roll you'll see reviews, giveaways and daily life. She's doing a giveaway for a Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL!! It ends April 20th, so there's lots of time to enter. And while I really want to win it, I'm letting you know, too, so maybe one of us will win! Go check it out at and enter. Good luck! (but not too much...)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Random Thoughts
Today I sprinkled the ant hills and soon to be garden with corn meal. I read they can't digest it and will die, here's to hoping.
Babyum had speech today. We played outside with chalk and a ball and did some running, hopping and other fun things. He said "go go go", "Buh" (for ball), "Muh" (for more) and "up". It was the best speech appointment (lesson?) he's had yet! He loves being outdoors, so until it's too hot, I guess that's where we'll be. He is also learning letter sounds. I figure if he won't say words, I'll at least get him to say something! He knows A B D E I M O P R T U and sometimes Q, only he says Cuuu instead of the sound Qu. And counting, this kid is a counting fool! Granted the numbers all come out "duh duh duh" but still. We have a Lily Counting Pal and he pushes her belly and then points to the items in her book as she counts them. Awesome =)
Doodlebug is 5 now and tonight wanted her bed rail off. She was a little concerned about where her cup was going to go, but insisted we take it off. Today she didn't cry to go to school!! Yay!! I think she just wants to spend more time with us at home, and it's tough when Babyum gets to stay home. We are reading chapter books at night now. Finished Stuart Little and Charlottes Web, now on to some Tinkerbell book. I need something more classic. Tink is just not doing it for me =)
My Mandasoup (niece) is getting ready to graduate HS and go off to college. She and hubby (mine, lol) are going to visit Stetson tomorrow, where she has been accepted and will attend in the fall! I'm really going to miss her. Really. She is such a great kid. But I am excited for her to get out on her own and make something of her life, this is just a necessary step.
Greek yogurt: Liam is loving it (we get Voskos vanilla honey) half the sugar of regular and 12g protein!! Ohh, and add granola, yumm.
Playdate and ballet for Doodlebug tomorrow. Hopefully Babyum gets a nap before we have to go sit in the narrow hallway that is the "observation" area.
And I should be packing snack bags and getting ready for tomorrow. Or sewing. But I'll likely go put clothes away and go to bed. Maybe I can get some extra sleep and not be a zombie! (unlikely. I'll be listening for a Doodlebug falling out of bed)
Babyum had speech today. We played outside with chalk and a ball and did some running, hopping and other fun things. He said "go go go", "Buh" (for ball), "Muh" (for more) and "up". It was the best speech appointment (lesson?) he's had yet! He loves being outdoors, so until it's too hot, I guess that's where we'll be. He is also learning letter sounds. I figure if he won't say words, I'll at least get him to say something! He knows A B D E I M O P R T U and sometimes Q, only he says Cuuu instead of the sound Qu. And counting, this kid is a counting fool! Granted the numbers all come out "duh duh duh" but still. We have a Lily Counting Pal and he pushes her belly and then points to the items in her book as she counts them. Awesome =)
Doodlebug is 5 now and tonight wanted her bed rail off. She was a little concerned about where her cup was going to go, but insisted we take it off. Today she didn't cry to go to school!! Yay!! I think she just wants to spend more time with us at home, and it's tough when Babyum gets to stay home. We are reading chapter books at night now. Finished Stuart Little and Charlottes Web, now on to some Tinkerbell book. I need something more classic. Tink is just not doing it for me =)
My Mandasoup (niece) is getting ready to graduate HS and go off to college. She and hubby (mine, lol) are going to visit Stetson tomorrow, where she has been accepted and will attend in the fall! I'm really going to miss her. Really. She is such a great kid. But I am excited for her to get out on her own and make something of her life, this is just a necessary step.
Greek yogurt: Liam is loving it (we get Voskos vanilla honey) half the sugar of regular and 12g protein!! Ohh, and add granola, yumm.
Playdate and ballet for Doodlebug tomorrow. Hopefully Babyum gets a nap before we have to go sit in the narrow hallway that is the "observation" area.
And I should be packing snack bags and getting ready for tomorrow. Or sewing. But I'll likely go put clothes away and go to bed. Maybe I can get some extra sleep and not be a zombie! (unlikely. I'll be listening for a Doodlebug falling out of bed)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Have I written of my love of cloth diapers lately?
And the people that advocate them? Let me first say I am not a disposable basher. I will not be mad at you or tell you that you HAVE to use cloth, because I know it's just not for everyone. I just love them and want to share my love of them, and let you know you can win free ones =)
I've won a few diapers in the past: applecheeks, babykicks, flip, and thirsties. All awesome! One of my favorites I got as a freebie when I spent so much at Kelly's Closet. It's a bumGenius AIO. This is the diaper goes in the diaper bag because it's so easy! I love the velcro, the softness, the fact that I don't have to reach in and pull the insert out, but I can add more absorbency if I need to. This is also the one I leave out for Gramma, Grammy and Daddy when they are in charge of diaper changes.
So on to why I love the cloth diaper advocates. I'm looking around FB and I see that Kelly Wels is doing a GREAT giveaway!! 18 bumGenius 4.0 One Size with inserts a bumGenius Sprayer and a bumGenius Pail Liner!! This is a great starter package, and an awesome booster package. I would love, love to win, or see one of my lovely friends win, so go try =) You can read all about it at and the entry form is here So what are you waiting for? GO GO WIN!!
I've won a few diapers in the past: applecheeks, babykicks, flip, and thirsties. All awesome! One of my favorites I got as a freebie when I spent so much at Kelly's Closet. It's a bumGenius AIO. This is the diaper goes in the diaper bag because it's so easy! I love the velcro, the softness, the fact that I don't have to reach in and pull the insert out, but I can add more absorbency if I need to. This is also the one I leave out for Gramma, Grammy and Daddy when they are in charge of diaper changes.
So on to why I love the cloth diaper advocates. I'm looking around FB and I see that Kelly Wels is doing a GREAT giveaway!! 18 bumGenius 4.0 One Size with inserts a bumGenius Sprayer and a bumGenius Pail Liner!! This is a great starter package, and an awesome booster package. I would love, love to win, or see one of my lovely friends win, so go try =) You can read all about it at and the entry form is here So what are you waiting for? GO GO WIN!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sewing Sewing Sewing!
I am now a bag making mama! I will be taking orders for purses, diaper bags, kid totes, snack bags, crayon rolls, and more! Come "like" me on facebook. Etsy page soon to come! You can also email me for info. Pictures to come soon =)
Monday, January 10, 2011
My Monster Children
As in size, not attitude... although...
No really. Doodlebug was 40 lbs at 2 years old. The Dr asked where she was hiding the weight, but she was in proportion, so wasn't worried. We had to get her a new seat because then the highest harness weight (that wasn't $300!) was 40 lbs. Thankfully she is still in that one and has a whole inch to grow before she is to the top of the harness slot.
Babium is 2 at the end of the month, and just shy of 40 lbs, so off we go to get a new seat... again! I want both kids in the harness as long as possible, would love for him at least to be rear facing, but I can't justify buying a new seat for a few pounds, and then another again after that. Which is why I'm trying to win this!! It rear faces to 45 lbs! Woah! And turns around to 80 after that. Can we say awesome? Who doesn't want to keep their little ones safe? =)
But wait, it gets better. You can enter to win this!! While it doesn't rear face, it does harness to 85 lbs (and can be used as a booster to 120 lbs, lol! I could fit my 18 year old niece in there!). I'm leaning toward this one (if I don't win, that is) if I can find a good sale. Lets say you can get 20-25% off, break that down over the 9 years you can get out of it and what are you really paying? $230/9 years= about $25 a year? That is so worth it, yes?
I am not car seat crazy, but I've seen some videos that want me to keep my little ones in there as long as I can. Heck, I'd rear face them both if I could afford the seats! I find it so sad that my state has the worst! car seat laws. Get with it FL. Especially when you consider some 5 year olds weigh less than my almost 2 year old and they are riding around in those little booster seats. Heck I'd bet there are quite a few 6 year olds that weight less and are in a regular seat belt.
Please consider extended rear facing and 5 pt harnessing your little ones as long as possible. Sure what are the odds of an accident? Well, how many have you had, your fault or someone elses? Or how many have you seen? I'm not saying put them in a bubble, but if you can do something as little as keeping them in the harness a year longer, what does it hurt you? Just do it! =)
No really. Doodlebug was 40 lbs at 2 years old. The Dr asked where she was hiding the weight, but she was in proportion, so wasn't worried. We had to get her a new seat because then the highest harness weight (that wasn't $300!) was 40 lbs. Thankfully she is still in that one and has a whole inch to grow before she is to the top of the harness slot.
Babium is 2 at the end of the month, and just shy of 40 lbs, so off we go to get a new seat... again! I want both kids in the harness as long as possible, would love for him at least to be rear facing, but I can't justify buying a new seat for a few pounds, and then another again after that. Which is why I'm trying to win this!! It rear faces to 45 lbs! Woah! And turns around to 80 after that. Can we say awesome? Who doesn't want to keep their little ones safe? =)
But wait, it gets better. You can enter to win this!! While it doesn't rear face, it does harness to 85 lbs (and can be used as a booster to 120 lbs, lol! I could fit my 18 year old niece in there!). I'm leaning toward this one (if I don't win, that is) if I can find a good sale. Lets say you can get 20-25% off, break that down over the 9 years you can get out of it and what are you really paying? $230/9 years= about $25 a year? That is so worth it, yes?
I am not car seat crazy, but I've seen some videos that want me to keep my little ones in there as long as I can. Heck, I'd rear face them both if I could afford the seats! I find it so sad that my state has the worst! car seat laws. Get with it FL. Especially when you consider some 5 year olds weigh less than my almost 2 year old and they are riding around in those little booster seats. Heck I'd bet there are quite a few 6 year olds that weight less and are in a regular seat belt.
Please consider extended rear facing and 5 pt harnessing your little ones as long as possible. Sure what are the odds of an accident? Well, how many have you had, your fault or someone elses? Or how many have you seen? I'm not saying put them in a bubble, but if you can do something as little as keeping them in the harness a year longer, what does it hurt you? Just do it! =)
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