Friday, November 19, 2010


I may have found a name finally for the blog I've been wanting to do forever! My little girl is Doodlebug and baby boy is Babyum, so here it is.

I'm a SAHM to these two and my newly adult teen and I love it, well most of the time. Coming from working full time with some great people at a great toy store, it's been a change for sure. I do miss the hustle and bustle of the holiday toy season. It almost seems for me that it's not really the holidays because I'm not so stressed out and busy! But, I am really enjoying that I can stay home and be with the kids.

I love to be crafty, whether it's sewing, crocheting, making photo books, or helping the kids do something fun. I also bake whenever I can. I am trying to be more eco friendly, but I wouldn't call myself a freak about it =) I cloth diaper and love that! We use cloth napkins (you wouldn't believe how much we've saved on paper towels) and garden, or at least we try. Why do the things we like the least grow the best? The poor peas all shriveled but the hot peppers and collards are still growing like wildfire. The blackberries are taking over the lawn, though, yumm!

Anyhow, I know there is more to say, but I've got to get lunch started. I look forward to hearing from you all!


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