Monday, January 10, 2011

My Monster Children

As in size, not attitude... although...

No really. Doodlebug was 40 lbs at 2 years old. The Dr asked where she was hiding the weight, but she was in proportion, so wasn't worried. We had to get her a new seat because then the highest harness weight (that wasn't $300!) was 40 lbs. Thankfully she is still in that one and has a whole inch to grow before she is to the top of the harness slot.

Babium is 2 at the end of the month, and just shy of 40 lbs, so off we go to get a new seat... again! I want both kids in the harness as long as possible, would love for him at least to be rear facing, but I can't justify buying a new seat for a few pounds, and then another again after that. Which is why I'm trying to win this!! It rear faces to 45 lbs! Woah! And turns around to 80 after that. Can we say awesome? Who doesn't want to keep their little ones safe? =)

But wait, it gets better. You can enter to win this!! While it doesn't rear face, it does harness to 85 lbs (and can be used as a booster to 120 lbs, lol! I could fit my 18 year old niece in there!). I'm leaning toward this one (if I don't win, that is) if I can find a good sale. Lets say you can get 20-25% off, break that down over the 9 years you can get out of it and what are you really paying? $230/9 years= about $25 a year? That is so worth it, yes?

I am not car seat crazy, but I've seen some videos that want me to keep my little ones in there as long as I can. Heck, I'd rear face them both if I could afford the seats! I find it so sad that my state has the worst! car seat laws. Get with it FL. Especially when you consider some 5 year olds weigh less than my almost 2 year old and they are riding around in those little booster seats. Heck I'd bet there are quite a few 6 year olds that weight less and are in a regular seat belt.

Please consider extended rear facing and 5 pt harnessing your little ones as long as possible. Sure what are the odds of an accident? Well, how many have you had, your fault or someone elses? Or how many have you seen? I'm not saying put them in a bubble, but if you can do something as little as keeping them in the harness a year longer, what does it hurt you? Just do it! =)

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