Monday, July 18, 2011

Good news for Kindergarten!

Doodlebug got in! We have an elementary school for the arts here, and after many long months of waiting we got the call that she got a place and is good to go. We are going tomorrow to pick up the paperwork and get everything set, then it's off to find uniforms and school supplies. Just in time, too. Our registration deadline for public schools is the 20th of July! I know she will enjoy all the dance, art, music and plays they will be doing, as well as the fast paced learning. I can't wait, and Doodlebug is super excited to see her new school.

In other news, my online store is coming along well. I'll be taking more pictures of product tomorrow, as it wants 4 for each item, in small and large sizes. But it'll be worth the work. Check back soon, I'll be posting the store site within the week.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Work at home mama status, here I come!

I'm getting serious with this sewing thing. This weekend I will put together my online store and I'm working now on stock to fill it with. I've got cloth napkins, nursing pads, baby wipes, diaper bags, purses, totes and more! I love sewing and making people happy. I love to see or hear (or read about) reactions to my creations. It really lets me feel like I'm making a difference. And since I'm a moderate "green" lady, I love helping others get a little more green, too, with reusable items.

What really got me started was making my own diaper bag. I switched to cloth and found I couldn't fit what I wanted to in my old diaper bag, so I found some awesome material and made my own. I started with a basic bag, a couple pockets inside, and toted it around for a while. While I loved it, I thought it could use some improvements and accessories. Off to bag #2, with 4 pockets inside (each big enough to hold 2 cloth diapers!) an outside front pocket for my grocery lists and other papers, 2 side pockets that fit 2 sippy cups each, and room inside for a spare set of clothes, books, toys, Babyums favorite aden + anais blanket, my wallet, and a roll up car mat. I added a removable wet bag to the back, a removable binky pouch to the front and a wallet cover for me to use inside. Finally, a bag I can fit everything in, and is fashionable, too!

After my dream bag was done, I moved to some cloth napkins for home. Not only are we not throwing away GOBS of paper towels anymore, we are saving money! We used to go through those huge packages in a little less than 2 weeks, now I'm buying one roll and it lasts us over a month. I have enough cloth to wash every 4 days or so, and the extra laundry is worth the money savings we get.

Cloth baby wipes and nursing pads were next. If Babyum is wearing cloth diapers, why not wipes, too!? I use flannel and Joann's soft and comfy fabric, turned and topstitched. I love the soft and comfy fabric for these, cleans so well! My nursing pads are 6+ layers of flannel backed with rip stop nylon and are stitched so they are a bit of a contoured for comfort.

I made fleece baby pants when the winter came so fast I couldn't get to the store. One day we were wearing shorts, the next we needed long pants and jackets. So I stayed in and sewed them.

Then came Christmas and the roll up car playmat, crayon rolls, fleece hats and other fun items. Even little monster dolls, cute!

Anyway, I may have gotten a bit carried away here, and I need to get back to the sewing room (AKA the dining room we never eat in!) and get busy with more items for the store. Hopefully I can make YOU something fun soon!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cupcake fun!

I really need to start taking more pics!

We had some friends over today for a cake decorating party and it was a blast! The little girls had a great time decorating their cupcakes, and the big girls had some adult fun time, too. Lots of noise and sprinkles. I did try out a new cake recipe, a twist on my favorite white cake, and it was awesome! Here it is, if you want to try:
2 cups sugar
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons flour (I used cake flour, you can do all purpose if you like)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 cup club soda
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons baking powder.
I whipped the egg whites first, set aside, then mixed the egg yolks, coconut oil, sugar and vanilla. Add in the club soda, then the flour and baking powder. Finally fold in the egg whites. Pour into a greased/floured pan and bake. Cupcakes will be done in about 18 mins at 350, 25-30 mins for 8 inch round pans. The cupcakes came out pretty light and fluffy, the cake was a bit more dense, but we like it like that. It's even better after it's been in the fridge overnight.

I made these as cupcakes (and a 6 inch round I planned on sending to Hubby's office tomorrow) so Babyum would have something to eat, too. But our almost 2 weeks of no artificial colors/flavors/preservatives was thrown out when I left the cake that Doodlebug decorated on the table. My mom looked over to see Babyum halfway laying on the table with his face in the cake!! His response? "MmmMMM!" I agree.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week one: No artifical colors/flavors.

I was talking to one of the other "dance class moms". She was watching Babyum and commented how her son used to do some of the same things. Didn't talk until later, always on the move, crazy. Then she told me about a book she found detailing links between behavior and food dyes. I'd heard a bit about it before, but never really though to look into it. So I found a book at the library (Why Can't My Child Behave by Jane Hersey), started reading, and decided to try it out. We started on Monday, so almost a week ago. I've been good about artificial colors and flavors, but I found a couple things I was forgetting to cut out. A couple preservatives that are a no no on the Feingold program. I think it's too early to tell right now, but he seems to have calmed down a little and is definitely trying to say more words. One of my favorite right now is how he says cantaloupe, it's opa-opa. I figure the diet is good for all of us, more natural foods, less processed junk. We'll all eat healthier and feel better. It's a win-win. I'm going to get rid of those saltines that were hiding some no no's and get back on track, but all in all we've been doing well. No one has had a meltdown over the lack of candy, they're all too busy enjoying the fresh fruit!